Friday, January 27, 2012

I'll be on the lanai with an umbrella drink if you need me.

When we first moved into our house, we waited several months to get any kind of cable or satellite service. At first we couldn't decide and then we went through a phase where liked not having anything because we found shows we liked (hello PBS) but then my kid decided he hated Sesame Street and my options got narrower and then all of our shows got really boring so I finally called DirecTV. We jumped for joy in installation day and thought, hey now we can watch all kinds of things and TiVo what we don't have time to watch but as it happens, we pretty much watch the same channels and the same shows ALL THE TIME. Granted, 85% of it is on Nickelodeon, but when we have time to watch something normal, what do we inevitably end up on? House Hunters. Always. We especially love House Hunters International because we dream of selling all our crap and moving somewhere beachy and warm, which is where they were last night. It was a couple, JUST LIKE US, who sold all their junk and moved from Indiana or something to St. Croix to open a gas station. I would totally move to St. Croix and open a gas station. I did not know this was an option.

Anyway, when they went back to revisit them later and they got to talk about how great their life is and how laid back and relaxed they are now and blah blah blah ( I hate you), I wondered in my head if the wife was going to go from her boring house hunting outfits of shorts and t shirts to long flowy dresses because that's what I would do and I WAS RIGHT. She had gone full island and I am still jealous. January is so dreary so let's brighten up this Friday by pretending we're headed somewhere tropical even though the closest I will get is if I shut my eyes and spray my Hawaiian scented Febreeze. ALOHA!

This dress from Suboo is GORGEOUS in every way but the price means I can only drool and dream. The colors are divine and the flowy silk makes me want to find my own random concrete ledge to stand on in the breeze. (Seriously. What the hell is that? A beach wall? Stonehenge?)

For 10% of the cost of the one above, you can have this cheerful number from Forever 21.

This is from Ruche and is so classic island dress and I love the halter neck. I would rock this at a luau.

I swear that when I saw this at first I thought they were goldfish but instead they're FEATHERS of course. This is my kind of dress. Easy breezy.

This is from Alloy and at first I thought the overlay top was weird but the more I look at it the more I enjoy it. This would be good for going out to dinner after a hard day by the pool. Isn't that the best? When you get back to the room and you're all worn out from doing nothing and your only task is to find some awesome place by the ocean to eat dinner. sigh

The horizontal pattern is suspect but the sherbet colors and cut make up for them. (from Forever 21)


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